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The legal system in the United States was created to ensure that those who break the law or commit a crime face the appropriate consequences as decided by a governing court of justice. Within this justice system, citizens are offered the opportunity to defend themselves against those pressing the alleged charges.

Typically, people employ lawyers specifically trained to defend the public citizens in hopes that their attorney can arrange for reduced charges or lesser penalties.

The main role of a criminal defense attorney is to defend their client against the prosecutors who represent either another client or the state in which the case is being tried. An intelligent and knowledgeable defense lawyer will ensure that he or she examines every detail of their clients’ case, to ensure that he or she is representing them as accurately and as favorably as possible.

Another benefit of hiring a defense attorney is the information he or she can provide about the benefits of pleading not guilty; oftentimes, there are "hidden costs" of pleading guilty, costs which a regular citizen might be unaware of.

In the process of creating a strong defense, a criminal defense attorney may decide to hire and manage experienced investigators, who may be able to challenge the testimonies offered by the prosecutors' witnesses. This is important in any case where facts are based on unreliable evidence.